Monday, March 31, 2008

The Death of Secular Zionism


A Voice from Hebron by Gary M. Cooperberg
P.O. Box 1444, Kiryat Arba-Hebron, Israel 90100
Tel. 972-2-996-3761 Fax 972-2-996-1778
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The Death of Secular Zionism
March 31, 2008

As the sixtieth anniversary of the rebirth of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel approaches, we would do well to reflect upon, what can be best described as, the death of secular Zionism. When the modern state of Israel was first founded, the overwhelming majority of even non religious Jews, was motivated by both a deep seated religious connection to the Land, as well as an overwhelming need to react to the recent holocaust by asserting Jewish identity and creating a safe haven for Jews from all over the world.

There was a sense of pride in being Jewish and an unflinching readiness to sacrifice our very lives for the security and continued existence of our only homeland. It was our willingness to confront impossible obstacles which gave birth to the countless miracles which enabled us to build our homeland and see it thrive. Clearly it was a religious motivation which enabled us to carry on during such difficult times. Yet religious motivation without true understanding of religious obligations was not enough to endure the challenges of our ideological enemies. Rather than turn to our eternal Torah for guidance to build an ideologically Jewish State, we sought to emulate foreign ideologies. Our government became a mixture of British, Turkish and American law. We wanted to become “modern” and be the same as other western democracies.

One very cogent example of this attitude was clearly expressed by Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin when he announced in the Knesset, “We are no longer a nation which stands alone”. Such a statement made by a Jewish Prime Minister was proof that our leadership had no understanding of the Divine role this country is destined to play in this world. Whether or not we like it, we are destined to be a nation which stands alone, not to be reckoned among the nations of the world. If we don’t take the initiative to set the example for others by conducting our nation according to G-d’s Law, then the nations which we so wish to emulate will force us to do that which we seek to reject, as they reject us.

The G-d of Israel has caused our neighbors to hate us and seek our destruction in order that we can prove to the entire world that G-d is with us. What better proof could there be of G-d’s existence then for the tiny Jewish State to be attacked by overwhelming enemies proclaiming their goal to throw us into the sea, and for us to defeat them? And what greater desecration of G-d can there be then for a victorious Jewish State to voluntarily abstain from destroying our enemies, not to mention giving them parts of our homeland which they stole from us? Rather than demonstrate our faith in G-d, we have and continue to express our faith in the President of the United States. This is the real cause of terror. By rejecting our G-d we are rejecting the glory which He has determined to eventually bestow upon us.

Yesterday Arabs in Israel, along with some self hating Jews, celebrated a relatively new Arab holiday called “Land Day”. The Arab thieves and murderers who live in Israel as Israeli citizens have no shame or fear to hold demonstrations proclaiming that this country really belongs to them! They openly wave PLO flags in open rebellion to the Jewish State. Such “demonstrations” are clearly treason and should be put down violently by our army. Instead our hapless leaders accept such “demonstrations” as democratic expressions which must be tolerated.

It was suggested by a naive Jewish young lady who participated in one of these demonstrations with the Arabs that there is nothing wrong with waving PLO flags. On Israel Independence Day Jews in the United States and other countries proudly wave Israeli flags and no one objects. What this clearly confused young lady failed to realize is the fact that Jews in the USA who waved Israeli flags were expressing their love for the Land of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people. Not one of those people would dream to suggest taking over the United States and creating a new Jewish State there!

The Arabs in Israel, with which she was demonstrating, openly and clearly seek to take over the Jewish state and turn it into an Arab one. They display their flag as an act of defiance which implies their desire to see it replace the Jewish one. She failed to realize that by standing with these people she was demonstrating her support of treason against the Jewish State!

There was a time when Jews all over the world understood the importance of redeeming our land. Even secular Zionists sought to build up and redeem the Land. Today the very leaders of our country are working to undo the miracles and give away our country to our enemies. Many years ago Rabbi Meir Kahane, of blessed memory, sent letters to Arab leaders telling them that some day he will become the leader of Israel. When that day comes he will begin to deport all Arabs in Israel to other countries. He then told the Arabs that should they agree, in writing, to leave peacefully at that time, that he would see that they are compensated for their properties and given help to relocate.

The government of Golda Meir had the Rabbi imprisoned for incitement. Today we hear Foreign Minister, Tzippy Livni, offer almost the same proposal as Rabbi Kahane. The main difference is that she is making the offer to Jews! It defies the imagination that a Jewish government would even consider spending Jewish money to encourage Jews to leave their homes in Israel in order to give those homes to our Arab enemies! With leaders like these who needs enemies?

Today our entire Knesset recognizes the lie of a legitimate “Palestinian” people. Rather than refuse to recognize the fact that the only reason such an entity came into existence is to refute the legitimacy of Jewish Israel, they have determined to help the Arabs to destroy the Jewish state. Rather than encourage Jewish growth in all parts of our Divine inheritance, they expel Jews from their homes and give Jewish Lands to Arab enemies who use it as a tool to fight Israel. Clearly secular Zionism is dead and buried.

As such today the only Zionism which still lives is Biblical Zionism. And those who dare live by genuine Zionist ideals are termed rebels and obstacles to “peace”. Sharon made a bold move for peace when he threw Jewish citizens out of their homes and made Gaza Judenrein. Today we reap the bitter fruit of that peace and still our government fails to notice the absurdity as it continues to seek to give away more of our homeland.

Let us all never forget that all we have achieved in the rebirth of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel was in spite of our foolish leaders, not because of them. We have grown and thrived when, by logic, we should long have ceased to be. This fact alone should be obvious proof that Zionism is a G-dly process which nothing can stop. But those who choose not to believe in G-d do so with a religious fervor, choosing not to see what their own eyes clearly show them. It is this stubborn insistence to “make peace” by defying Jewish obligations which brings us tragedy and actually pushes genuine peace further away. Only when Jews turn back to their G-d and demonstrate their faith by coming home and living their lives by G-d’s Law will we see genuine peace throughout the world. This is the reason for Biblical Zionism.


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